Feature Stories

These are feature stories I have either covered through my work with Picture Agency RollingNews.ie or stories I have made in my own time.


Lockdown Street Party.

Pictured a series of images taken in Summer of 2021 during lockdown South William Street and surrounding areas became a battle ground when An Garda Siochana was forced to enforce strict lockdown measures in response to Covid- 19 and on street drinking.


Lockdown in Dublin

a series of images I took during Lockdown and 9 images that show the world we all lived in for a year.


Kelly Harrington Homecoming

Kelly Harrington won Gold in the Olympic women’s boxing and this set of images is the day she won to the celebrations on the day she returned home to a Nation that needed an uplift from the dull days of lockdowns and bad news.


Chief Medical Officer Dr Tony Holohan.

A year that never seemed to end 2021 was much like 2019 when every few days this man kept the nation informed and ready to understand the problems , deaths and future of Covid -19 at the weekly press conferences in the Department of Health, Dublin

Black Lives matter protest in Dublin City in the summer of 2020. Thousands protest march through the Irish Capital City of Dublin to support the black lives matter movement ending at the USA embassy.


Black Lives Matter - Protest Dublin, Ireland

Black Lives matter Protests sprung up all over the world and Dublin was no exception. Other than the anti lockdown protests this was one of the biggest if not the biggest protest of 2020. These pictures were actually taken on two different protests from the same organisers. one when i was on assignment for Rollingnews.ie and the other on my day off where I avoided any of my colleagues so that I could focus on the pictures. it was very warm that day which helped especially when I converted these to black and white. So many of the pictures that made this story were never published or sent out.

It made great pictures and one of the things that I was unsure about was wether to keep them in Colour or convert them. Especially since it was a racial type of protest I think it works best in Black and white and centers your eye and brain on exactly what protest it is.

Covering the aftermath of the Grenfell Fire disaster.


Grenfell Story.

I decided on a trip to London to see family that I would head to the location where the Grenfell fire disaster had taken place and photograph the scene. As I walked towards the burnt out shell you could almost imagine what it may have felt like during the fire on a day where it was one of the hottest days of the year in London. Only a few days had past since the Fire and this was one of the first times I had covered something outside of Ireland. The sense of raw emotion could be felt.

I happened to be there on the same day as some of the fire crews turned up to pay their respects, too see men break down in sobbing, men and women who fight fires for a living and have seen so much to see them break down at the sight of families, asking for forgiveness for not being able to save more is something I will never forget.

Irelands First Hindu Temple. Pictured people attend the first ceremony service in their first Hindu Temple in A industrial area of Dublin.


Irelands First Hindu Temple.

This was one of those days where my job list for the day had a protest in the afternoon but not much else and so when i was listening to the radio news early that morning I discovered that Ireland was getting its first Hindu Temple opening on that day. So I did my research and not really knowing what sort of reception I would get I traveled to an industrial area of South Dublin to find this new Hindu Temple.

Luckily for me no other photographers were there which is rare these days but it meant with no competition I was not under as much pressure and they were only too willing to allow me access to the ceremony.

This was during the early Covid year of 2020 and so precautions were in place at the time.

Truthfully as always it would have been nice to have longer, with my schedule that day I had to be back in the city for the afternoon and so it meant that I had only a few hours to get the shots I needed. This was a bit harder because I had no idea how the ceremony would work or run so when they gathered to start a procession outside it took me a bit by surprise..

However it was one of those stories that was a joy to work on because of the Colours in the clothing and the surroundings of the interior just made good pictures.

Anti Vaccine protests become the only show in town during strict lockdown regulations in Dublin during covid-19 in 2020.


Lockdown Protest’s

This is a photo story that was made by going to almost all the protests they had, which does get tiring especially when nothing much happens.

I had to take some risks which usually meant spotting a potential picture getting and getting out quickly. Mainly because I was wearing a mask which is something that they would be against and unlike them I believe in Covid-19 and so I do not really want to be spending too much time in a crowd of people who do not. It’s a call every photographer must make by themselves when covering something when do you make an exit for your own safety.



A Selection of images through out 2022 documenting the facinating world of Kite surfering.


Professional Headshots


Personal Project - Brighton Portraits